Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The latest news...

Early this morning the phone was ringing. I was still in bed. I didn't want to get up, knowing that nobody who I call "friend" would call me before 9 a.m. But I did and as suspected it was a debt collector. I knew this because I said "hello" three times before they said anything. I hung up on them and went back to bed.

About 20 minutes later the phone rang again. I didn't like it, but was more awake now. So I got out of bed and as I walked to pick it up said out loud (to no one-- I was alone), "This better be Andrea from Lindblad, because I don't want to talk to anyone else."

"Hello, Tracey? It's Andrea from Lindblad Expeditions."

I was ecstatic. I knew that the only reason she was calling me was because the job I applied for came open and she was offering it to me.

"I called to offer you the pantry chef job. What do you think?"
"WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" I howled. Or was it more of a hoot? Anyway, I got it.

The job is as a prep cook on board an eco-tour cruise ship for Lindblad Expeditions. I will work in a tiny kitchen for 60 days straight cooking for up to 75 guests and 25 crew. Three meals a day. The pay is decent and includes a share of tips, which are probably added to the final tab of the guests.

After 60 days I'll be sent home for a 30 day break. They pay for the flights to and from the ship and there are no costs involved for me to work on board. Nice, huh? If I want to go somewhere besides my home (in Colorado) I can as long as the ticket price is comparable. Or I can stay where the boat drops me off.

When I join the boat April 19 I will be in Washington State on the Columbia River. We will head to Seattle from there, get new guests and head up to Alaska, following the migration of various whales. In late fall we follow the whales back and head to Baja, Mexico. ( )

What this means for me is that this is going to be the fifth year in a row when I came to Colorado, stayed with my brother for a while, then left. In 2001 I came out here after quitting my job, but returned because my girlfriend was in North Carolina. In 2002 I came out here long enough to store my possessions, then left to teach English in Korea ( ). In 2003 I came back from Korea-Australia, etc., and then returned to Korea a few months later to recruit English teachers for private schools there. In 2004 I returned from Korea then got a job in Wyoming for the summer, then headed to Canada to live with my girlfriend. Now, 2005, I've been dumped and have returned again. I got a job here, but it doesn't pay much, so I'm leaving again to work on a boat heading to Alaska.

When does it end? I guess when I get out of debt or get published. Time will tell.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

TV Nazis Part II

Thanks to a comment from Telly, I now see there is a voice of reason in this vast sea of insanity. And that voice is . They have an anti-complaint campaign with the hopes of setting a standard once and for all.

They ask the obvious question: Why can you show Saving Private Ryan with all of the bad language (common among men in combat, I would guess) while you wouldn't be allowed to show an unedited version of Malcom X or Ali or Full Metal Jacket? Each of these films depicts historical events and the language used and the nudity or sexual nature of each is in the context of those events and not just for a gratuitous reason.

The answer, the author of the article assumed, was that Saving Private Ryan was introduced on TV by a U.S. Senator and veteran (and a major player in communications policy on the Hill). The film was also made by a beloved director.

Since the Senate is about to pass the bankruptcy bill that will allow fewer seriously poor people get out of debt, they will now have time to consider these questions.

Please click on the link above and scroll down to : Thierer Prepares to Request Indecency Clarification

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few back episodes of C.S.I. and That 70s Show to watch. And I will be partially nude and cursing at the screen in a purely gratuitous manner.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The TV Nazis

I was surfing around and found a site for a group called The Parents Television Council. .These people, it turns out, are the ones who accounted for 95% of all complaints to the FCC regarding Janet Jackson's breast. I don't have TIVO, so I didn't catch it.

The way this group works is you visit the website and they tell you which shows to complain about. They will even provide you with a letter to copy and paste or print out so you can sign it and send it in. Most of the complainants, therefore, have never even watched the shows they are all up in arms about.

They are complaining for the sake of complaining. Their current target? CSI. There is a banner at the top of their site that changes every second or two. First it says "The Parents Television Council. Over a million members strong." Then it switches: "PTC Members File over 12K FCC Indecency Complaints Against CSI." And finally: "VICTORY. House Votes to Increase Indecency Fines."

This group's next objective is to control cable television and make the rules for decency on all of those channels. HBO would be their main target. Anything resembling real interaction between people would be eliminated and replaced with shows featuring talking puppies and Leave it to Beaver-type families. Except you can't call anyone Beaver anymore. The Sopranos and Sex in the City would be gone for good. South Park? Forget about it.

Here are the top 10 most offensive shows according to the PTC website:
1. Everwood. (Never-would have heard of it)
2. That 70s Show. The PTC goons rated it number two because of it's "casual and irresponsible treatment of teen sex and drug use." Give me an effin break. That kind of comment makes me want to light up a fattie and go get laid.
3. Fear Factor. Because it "continues to push the envelope with its disgusting and physically dangerous stunts." Sounds like fun.
4. Two and a Half Men. Too much sexual inuendo and a bad example of parenting. But I'll bet it's damn funny.
5. C.S.I. (Crime Scene Investigation). Too many grisly scenes of murder, etc. Flashbacks that are real looking, etc. One of my favorites of all time.
6. The Surreal Life. A bunch of has-been celebrities live in a house together to get free publicity. It's a W.B. show, so what does anyone expect?
7. Girlfriends. Has words like "vagina" and "yeast infection" and "orgasm" in the dialogue.
8. Las Vegas. Vegas. Sin City. Sodom and Gomorrah. Say no more. Another one of my favorites.
9. Will and Grace. Did you think you homosexuals could hide from the PTC? No way! We will find you all and string you up and light a fire under you, and.... Wow! I got a little carried away pretending to be a TV Nazi. Sorry.
10. Cold Case. Deals with unsolved murder cases. The PTC would probably replace it with Andy Griffith re-runs if they could. "Hey, it's still a cop show. Right?"

To give you a taste of what they really like I'll run down the top 10 "Family Friendly" Shows: Joan of Arcadia, Doc, Sue Thomas F.B. Eye, Reba, 7th Heaven, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Everybody Loves Raymond, American Idol, American Dreams, and Bernie Mac. Some of these shows are good, while others are so sugary sweet my diabetic mom wouldn't be allowed to watch them.

The group isn't without its moments of sanity though. The president and founder of PTC, Brent Bozell, wrote that Saving Private Ryan wasn't indecent because "Context is everything." He went on to explain: "We agreed with the FCC on its ruling that the airing of 'Schindler's List' on television was not indecent and we feel that 'Saving Private Ryan' is in the same category. In both films, the content is not meant to shock, nor is it gratuitous. We applaud ABC for letting viewers know ahead of time about the graphic nature of the film and that the film would be uncut." Saving Private Ryan was shown for several years in a row with no problems.

The fact of the matter is they don't want to butt heads with Spielberg. PTC may have clout, but in the entertainment industry Spielberg is God. When those movies were aired, Spielberg stipulated that there could be no editing and there could be no commercials. Period. Still, more than half of the stations set to air Private Ryan pulled the movie at the last minute for fear of having to pay unnecessary fines levied against them by the likes of then-FCC Czar, Michael Powell (son of Colin). And that fear was based on the clout the PTC has in the halls of Congress. (Their site even shows you how your congressman voted.)

As long as this current administration is in charge, you might want to start taping episodes of C.S.I. and other favorites before they are yanked from the air or censored down to nothing. In one half of the world profanity on television is acceptable. Nudity also happens after a certain hour in many countries. In other parts of the world an on-screen kiss will get you killed. The U.S. happens to be somewhere in the middle. But not for long.

Go to the website and look at how it's run. I don't think the Nazi machine was as organized as this when they went out and burned books and exterminated a race of people. But the idea behind both was the same: Freedom of speech only when it agrees with their ultra-conservative values.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Bringing you up to date...

For those of you who don't know: Agnes dumped me last month right before we were set to go to Korea for a year. This pretty much ruined my day for a month. If you knew Agnes, it would have been a surprise to you. If you didn't know her, you're probably cursing her name right now. To tell you the truth, I don't want anyone to think poorly of her. She did what she felt she had to do. It cost both of us a lot of sleepless night, but everyone gets hurt and almost everyone gets over it.

The first thing I was looking for was a job once I got here. I turned in about 25 applications until I finally ran across Washington's Sports Bar and Grill. They were renovating, so I walked in on the construction and convinced them I could do anything they needed me for. I sanded tables, installed tables and lighting, mopped, scrubbed, and painted. Now we're open and I have worked the kitchen, bar, and floor. I won't be bartending for at least three months, so I'm holding my breath for a job on an Eco-cruise ship in Baja . They would have hired me, but they had an employee who went to culinary school and then applied at the same time. I don't blame them. I would have hired that person over me. Anyway, they have me on the list for the next position to open.

Sometime during the last 10 days working at Washington's I hurt my back. It started out just a bit sore in a location familiar to me-- I tore a muscle in the gym in college. Then it went from soreness to agony. Finally I gave in and went to a doctor. He told me what I already knew and gave me some drugs. Good stuff. The only problem is when I take them I can't use my right arm for shit. Oh yeah, and my brain goes a little loopy. But it's only temporary. I hope.

(New symptom: my right hand goes numb quite frequently. Any doctors reading this, please advise.)

So I sit here with a free buzz (the bartender bought me a few beers for helping him today) wondering if I should try to write something good tonight. My fingers are protesting, because the accuracy is down to about 25%. So I shall wait until everything comes back to me.

Until then, read with pleasure, surf with ease, and research with a keen eye.


Monday, March 07, 2005

Welcome to My Mind

Come on in! There's plenty of room. This is my new place to vent, create, share, and predict. In the coming months you can come here to find out what the hell is going on in my mind. Some of you may already be afraid to go there, but trust me, it's a rather peaceful place. Especially lately, what with all the muscle relaxers and pain killers I've had to take for my back.

Tangent: Why would people refer to pain relievers as pain killers? Doesn't that sound even more painful?

Anyway, welcome one and all. Today I'm just out here saying hello and checking to see if the PH levels are o.k. and if the water is warm enough. So far, so good.

Look for more in the days and weeks to come. For now I've got to get back to my laundry, dishes, and meditating.