Thursday, March 10, 2005

TV Nazis Part II

Thanks to a comment from Telly, I now see there is a voice of reason in this vast sea of insanity. And that voice is . They have an anti-complaint campaign with the hopes of setting a standard once and for all.

They ask the obvious question: Why can you show Saving Private Ryan with all of the bad language (common among men in combat, I would guess) while you wouldn't be allowed to show an unedited version of Malcom X or Ali or Full Metal Jacket? Each of these films depicts historical events and the language used and the nudity or sexual nature of each is in the context of those events and not just for a gratuitous reason.

The answer, the author of the article assumed, was that Saving Private Ryan was introduced on TV by a U.S. Senator and veteran (and a major player in communications policy on the Hill). The film was also made by a beloved director.

Since the Senate is about to pass the bankruptcy bill that will allow fewer seriously poor people get out of debt, they will now have time to consider these questions.

Please click on the link above and scroll down to : Thierer Prepares to Request Indecency Clarification

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few back episodes of C.S.I. and That 70s Show to watch. And I will be partially nude and cursing at the screen in a purely gratuitous manner.

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