Monday, March 07, 2005

Welcome to My Mind

Come on in! There's plenty of room. This is my new place to vent, create, share, and predict. In the coming months you can come here to find out what the hell is going on in my mind. Some of you may already be afraid to go there, but trust me, it's a rather peaceful place. Especially lately, what with all the muscle relaxers and pain killers I've had to take for my back.

Tangent: Why would people refer to pain relievers as pain killers? Doesn't that sound even more painful?

Anyway, welcome one and all. Today I'm just out here saying hello and checking to see if the PH levels are o.k. and if the water is warm enough. So far, so good.

Look for more in the days and weeks to come. For now I've got to get back to my laundry, dishes, and meditating.

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