Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Bringing you up to date...

For those of you who don't know: Agnes dumped me last month right before we were set to go to Korea for a year. This pretty much ruined my day for a month. If you knew Agnes, it would have been a surprise to you. If you didn't know her, you're probably cursing her name right now. To tell you the truth, I don't want anyone to think poorly of her. She did what she felt she had to do. It cost both of us a lot of sleepless night, but everyone gets hurt and almost everyone gets over it.

The first thing I was looking for was a job once I got here. I turned in about 25 applications until I finally ran across Washington's Sports Bar and Grill. They were renovating, so I walked in on the construction and convinced them I could do anything they needed me for. I sanded tables, installed tables and lighting, mopped, scrubbed, and painted. Now we're open and I have worked the kitchen, bar, and floor. I won't be bartending for at least three months, so I'm holding my breath for a job on an Eco-cruise ship in Baja http://www.expeditions.com/ . They would have hired me, but they had an employee who went to culinary school and then applied at the same time. I don't blame them. I would have hired that person over me. Anyway, they have me on the list for the next position to open.

Sometime during the last 10 days working at Washington's I hurt my back. It started out just a bit sore in a location familiar to me-- I tore a muscle in the gym in college. Then it went from soreness to agony. Finally I gave in and went to a doctor. He told me what I already knew and gave me some drugs. Good stuff. The only problem is when I take them I can't use my right arm for shit. Oh yeah, and my brain goes a little loopy. But it's only temporary. I hope.

(New symptom: my right hand goes numb quite frequently. Any doctors reading this, please advise.)

So I sit here with a free buzz (the bartender bought me a few beers for helping him today) wondering if I should try to write something good tonight. My fingers are protesting, because the accuracy is down to about 25%. So I shall wait until everything comes back to me.

Until then, read with pleasure, surf with ease, and research with a keen eye.


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